Thursday, June 29, 2006


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I read a little column called "The GRRRR!" check out the link for even more great thoughts by Mike Straka.

While reading the column today, I found this little bit quite humorous and it hit the nail on the head for me. Hearing people eat is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Enjoy the GRRR...

Popcorn Eaters

Whoever thought popcorn would be good movie theater fare obviously never sat in a dark room full of Oblivions munching on popcorn as if they were dying of some rare disease, and the only cure lies at the bottom of their popcorn bucket.

SHOOMP, in goes the hand — SHOOMP, out comes the hand and makes a beeline directly to the mouth — MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH — BREATHE — MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH.

The sound of people relentlessly chomping on their popcorn with bits flying out of their mouths, holding their breath while chewing so that they have to exhale simultaneously as they chew is enough to drive me up the wall.

I want to scream everytime I go to the movies, and of course, these Popcorn Oblivions always sit directly behind me so that I can hear ever bite, every breath, every reach, every salivation and every lick of the buttery popcorn off their greasy fingers.


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