Monday, August 13, 2007

Sound of Music Sing-A-Long

(To hear me tell this story click here)
About 2 months ago, my mom and I went to the Sound of Music Sing-A-Long. Let me start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. We saw that the local Civic Theatre was hosting the Sound of Music Sing-A-Long. We thought how fun that would be to see the musical live and to be able to sing along with the cast. So my mom ordered the tickets for the Sunday Matinee show. That is when we found out something that wasn't very good...It wasn't live, it was singing along with the movie. Why did we ignore the red flag?

We arrive at the Theatre and are given our little goodie bag. This bag contains a variety of "helps" for the Sing-A-Long. The following things are in the bag:
  • flibbertigibbet card
  • maria card
  • question mark card
  • a ghost (?) card
  • an invitation to "The Captain's Ball"
  • A piece of floral cloth
  • A popper
  • and a sprig of silk flowers
Of course we didn't really know what these items were for, so a gal got up on stage and introduced the show and what we were supposed to do with each item. Talk about the wrong person for the job. She was supposed to lead us in a practice of the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" yet she didn't know the words. Then she told us that every time the Baroness came into the room we were supposed to HISS, and every time Julie came on we were supposed to CHEER. (good for you if you caught that I wrote JULIE instead of MARIA. yes her name in real life is JULIE, but the character is MARIA and she reference every other person by their characters name rather than their real name. I mean really folks, how hard is it to get that straight, especially when you are explaining about a song that has her name in it.)

These cards go with the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" ?-"How do you solve a problem" . Maria -- "Like maria". "A Flibbertigibbet" . Ghost(?)--"a will of a wisp" Then are you ready, we had to put our fingers on our nose for --" A clown"

One scene in the movie, Maria is upset that that children don't have any play clothes. She is thinking and thinking of what she could do. Well she was just told that they drapes were going to be replaced in her bed room. So we were supposed to take the piece of material and wave it and shout "Behind you, behind you." and sure enough she turns around and finds that the drapes would work perfectly for clothes for the children.

We were all invited to the Captain's Ball. So we had to wave our card and shout "A Ball, A Ball!!"

When the Captain sang "Edelweiss" we had to take our flowers and wave them in the air.

We also had a popper, but for the life of me, I can't remember when we popped them. All I remember is that the little girl in the row in front of us got scarred when the poppers when off and her dad had to take her out of the room.

Although the entire concept was CHEESY, I always enjoy getting to watch the sound of music and now I have a fun story to go along with it.

My Car

Well I sold my car, but I can't say that I am sad to part with it. It wasn't that great of a friend. Yes, it got me to the places I wanted to go and it never left me stranded (well one time I got a flat tire on my way home from Indy, but technically that was the tire not the car and I wasn't stranded for long. and the spare was actually a full tire not just one of those sissy spares.) But I digress...My real sadness is that my car didn't get to wear the "In God We Trust" license plate but for a few days. My licenses plates were due for renewal on July 31st, and I didn't sell the car until August 4th. So for 3 1/2 days my car got to wear the plate that I have been waiting for since January. I know that you are probably thinking why didn't you just get the plates in January when they came out. To be honest, I didn't have the time to wait at the license branch and didn't want to pay for the plates until it was time. Well now I have to go back to the license branch to get some of my money back. And of course do I get all of it back. Heck no!!! It cost me $30 so that my car could be registered for those 3 1/2 days. (thank goodness that's not the going rate for the year. can you imagine at that rate it would be over $3,000 for your plates.)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I went to the Derby

Yes, I went to the Derby. For those of you who are into horses, I'm sure the first thing that came into your mind was the Kentucky Derby. Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but it wasn't the Kentucky Derby, it was the Demolition Derby. This was my first experience at it and it will probably be my only one. I really am not sure how to describe this for you if you haven't been before, so I hope these pictures will help. Basically. a bunch of cars are trying to destroy each other and the last one to still be running is the winner.