Thursday, July 20, 2006


At 6:30pm every night, you can find my mom and me watching her favorite show: "Wheel of Fortune" Recently, WOF has gotten a new sponsor...It's called HEAD-ON. The Commercial consist of a woman rubbing what looks like a glue stick to her forhead and the voice-over saying "Head-on, apply directly to the forehead. Head-on, apply directly to the forehead. Head-on, apply directly to the forehead." No, that's not a typo. The commercial repeats the phrase three times. At first the commercial ran just the one product, then they added another product: Activ-On This is for Arthritis. "Apply directly where it hurts." These commercials have become so annoying. Everynight, this commercial runs during WOF and now it's starting to run during other shows. If you haven't seen it then you just don't watch TV. Here's a link to a YouTube of it. Today was the worst, they have added another product. It's for Hemorrhoids, FREEdHEM. "Freedom from Hemorrhoids, FREEdHEM Hemorrhoid Cream. Freedom from Hemorrhoids, FREEdHEM Hemorrhoid Cream. Freedom from Hemorrhoids, FREEdHEM Hemorrhoid Cream." Now here's the question, why didn't they say..."FREEdHem, apply directly to the Hemorrhoids" I found a really funny commentary on these products. so if you have the time, take a listen to what Brian Unger has to say.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Too funny!