Friday, December 07, 2007

Time Waster

If you want to waste a lot of time, I would recommend "The Impossible Quiz" Leave me a comment to let me know how far you got on the quiz. I have no idea how many questions there are, as I haven't made it to the end yet.

Follow this link and then click on "Play this game"



Sarah said...

That was fun. What was the last question you made it to?

I went till it asked what question # we wanted to go to. Did you get that far?

katie said...

On my very first time doing the quiz, I don't remember where I got to, but I have since made it past the one you are talking about. The quiz is very addicting.

Anonymous said...

that was majorly stupid!!! I tried it a few times and that was enough for me. i'll go back to my crossword puzzles. much better for the brain.