Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Tuesday was my birthday. And here's the funny thing...When I lived in Hong Kong before(2003), I celebrated my 29th birthday and here I am celebrating that one again. And this year my little sister caught up to me. She just turned 29 on Saturday. Happy birthday, Sarah!!

In all my years, I have never met anyone who shared my birthday. Until Tuesday and I found out that 2 of my students have the same birthday. How crazy is that?!?!

Since my birthday was in the middle of the week, some friends and I went out to celebrate on Saturday night. We started out at Habibi Cafe for some really good food. Then we went to Honeymoon Dessert for my favorite dessert...Mango and Black Glutenous Rice in Vanilla Sauce. (you have to try it before you say gross...It's very good) Then we went to Lan Kwai Fong for some dancing.

Lynn, Nikelle, me and Rachel

Birthday girls! Harmony's BD was on Sunday

Nikelle and Me

When we were in Lan Kwai Fong we met this guy from the US Navy. You can't really tell but he has a gold grill in his mouth. It was really funny. He was a really nice guy.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, cards, emails and gifts!

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