Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Driving GRRR

I don't know how many times in the last week I have seen some form of the following situation: In a parking lot, there is a great big arrow pointing in one direction, the direction that traffic should go and there is an idiot driving the other direction. How hard is it to go to the next aisle to drive the direction that you want to go. It just GRRR's me. At school, the drive next to the building has multiple huge arrows pointing towards the back of the lot, but every day drivers insist on driving the wrong way. Also they just painted brand new arrows in the entrance off First Ave. These arrows along with the sign attached to the stop sign show that it's a right turn only. Yet the other day, I was behind 3 people who decided they were too important, and had to make left hand turns at Rush Hour. We sat there forever.

So what's your big GRRR? Leave me a comment with yours.


schajie said...

I GRRR when people I start to pass someone on the Interstate, and as I am alongside of him/her, he/she decides to speed up. Then, I have to change lanes back behind them, only to have to pass them moments later.

Kathleen said...

Oh, don't even get me started with GRRRRRs and Florida drivers. Actually, it's all the snowbirds that come down in November and clog up our roads.

GRRR #1: snowbirds who drive 5 miles under the speed limit in the left lane while craning their head to look right to find their restaurant at 5:00 p.m. When they find the restaurant on the right, they proceed to turn right, across three lanes of traffic. Bad words.

GRRR #2: the motorcyclist who speeds down our two-lane road between the rows of cars as we sit in morning rush hour. What should take 5 minutes takes 25, except for the motorcyclist. Sometimes I imagine opening my door at just the right time... but that would hurt my car, and so I don't do it.

Anonymous said...

My driving GRRR is the stoplight at Morgan and Green River. I hate it with a passion!!!

Another GRRR is when people you are with make a huge scene in public. But, not the scene that is funny where you are laughing but when they get mad or yell etc and embarrass anyone around.