No...the tacos aren't really traveling. I just enjoy both things.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Interesting Food
One thing about living in HK that's great is that I love sushi and it's cheap here. It's also a fun thing because you sit at a counter and there is a train of sushi that passes by. You just choose off of the line what you want and at the end they count up your plates. I went with a former student recently and took some pictures to share with you. This is the counter you sit at and the sushi just goes past on the little conveyor belt. If you want something you just take it off. The little faucet below the train is for hot water to make your tea.
Here are the plates that Giovanna and I ate when we got our sushi.
I also went out with a some friends after church one Sunday to a Chinese Tea House. One of the girls ordered a tea that was interesting as it brewed. I made a video of it as it was brewing.
Seems like that meal would take forever.
Probably pretty fun, though, if you're a sushi person.
yay sushi!! I'm looking forward to all the different types of food. i love me some sushi too. =)
I love sushi, too! That would be tons o fun-o I think. It would be cool if I could find a place like that in C'dale :).
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