Sunday, December 30, 2007
That's so Chinese Raven
Saturday, December 29, 2007
12 Days of Christmas and More
After watching that video, I watched a few more of their videos and found this one that brought back some good childhood memories.
It's amazing that something good can actually come out of IU.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Guns N Roses Lyrics Cause Teacher to Lock Herself in Classroom
ROXBURY, Conn. — Karaoke can be scary, but threatening?
A school custodian's impromptu after-hours karaoke performance prompted a police response when a teacher thought she was being threatened over the loudspeaker.
State police say the teacher at Booth Free School barricaded herself inside a classroom Wednesday when she mistook someone singing a Guns N' Roses song over the public address system for a threat.
She was working after hours and thought no one else was in the building. Then she heard someone say over the loudspeaker that she was going to die.
Six troopers and three police dogs showed up and found three teenagers, one of them a custodian at the school, who had been playing with the public address system.
Police say one of them sang "Welcome to the Jungle" into the microphone. The song contains the lyrics "You're in the jungle baby; you're gonna die."
The teenagers were cuffed for about 15 minutes while police investigated. They didn't realize anyone else was in the school at the time. No charges will be filed, said state police Sgt. Brian Ness.
In light of the many school shootings and other acts of violence that have been occurring lately, I can see why this woman would have been scared, but you have to admit it is pretty funny. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I am. Sorry!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ugly Christmas
Luckily one of the other malls in town decided to actually do a nice classy christmas. Here's a pic of their beautiful tree.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Time Waster
Follow this link and then click on "Play this game"
Friday, November 30, 2007
"Whateva" Baby
You have to check out this video. It is so funny. And Minori if you are reading this, this is you when you were young, isn't it?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Simple things
Tonight as I was writing some e-mails, I was listening to my music in I-tunes. I love that I can have all my music there and it will shuffle through all 5000 songs. So tonight I heard some songs that I haven't heard for a while. One song that jumped out at me was Simple Things by Jim Brickman. Even though it's a love song, (and I'm not in love) it's still a great reminder of looking at the beauty of life in such simple things as leaves falling off the trees.
Hey, Time won’t wait, Life goes by, Every day’s a brand new sky, Every tear, comes to dry. All that really matters, In this crazy world, Is you and I together, Baby just remember.
Chorus 1:
The first leaves off the tree, The way you look at me, A thousand chiming church bells ring, The simple things are free. The sun, the moon, the stars, The beating of two hearts, How I love the simple things, The simple things just are.
So here we go, Let’s just dance, Teach my soul to take this chance, Put my heart, in your hands. Out of all the moments that, We leave behind, Turn around and tell me, Baby we’ll remember.
Chorus 2:
The thunder and the rain, The way you say my name, After all the clouds go by, The simple things remain, The sun, the moon, the stars, The beating of two hearts, How I love the way the simple things, The simple things just are
Chorus 3:
The ocean and the sky, The way we feel tonight, I know that it's the love, That brings the simple things to life, The sun, the moon, the stars, The beating of two hearts, I love the way the simple things, The simple things just are.
I love the way the simple things, The simple things just are.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Interesting Names
- Walkman - Credit - Gayford - Rock - Pillar - Dummy - Vegas -Freeze -Lego
-Burger -Paper -Kettle -Hercules -Virus -Bible -Candy -Susan(yes for a guy, this is actually one of my students) -Winky -Dolphin -Devil -Pacman -Genius -Joker
-Oxygen -Tornado -Energy -Happy -Goofy -Champion -Spaghetti -Timber -No
- Elf
-Grape -Color -Eureka -Panda -Flower -Wave -Kinky -Piano -Fanny -Telephone
-Chilli -Cinderella -Mango -Fanta -Lotion -Wincy -Purple -Circle -Strawberry
-Seven -Fantasy -Cream -Icy -Dancy -Dior -Puppy -Aries -Lychee -Yo-yo
-Tomato -Ivory -Tissue -Tomorrow - Swanny -Glassbowl
Sunday, November 18, 2007
UGH and YEAH and UGH all on the same day
After the service we met up with Harmony and Maria and headed for Subway Restaurant. I had no idea there was a Subway here in Hong Kong. Oh, my gosh I think this was the best sandwich I have had in forever. I got a turkey with cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, black olives, green peppers and oil/vinegar. Oh so good. and then sour cream and onion chips. Thank God for Subway. I will be eating there frequently. I really should have gotten a foot long and brought the second half for my lunch tomorrow. Next week!!
So after an eventful start to my day, I got home, took my shoes off and put my feet up. That's when I realized my shoe looked funny. Yes, you guessed it. Another pair of shoes is going into the trash. The fall in the morning made them rip at the thong part. Basically they are being held together by two threads. The sad thing is that these are my really nice Chico's sandals. But I guess 2 and a half years is good use out of them.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Interesting Food
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Another pair bites the dust.
The first pair to fully bite the dust: So Nikelle and I got out of her car at the shopping center in Admiralty. As I'm walking across the parking garage, I realize that I'm having difficulty keeping my shoe on. Well that would be because the side of the strap has started to come out. By the time I take a few more steps it's done. So here I am on the island with a broken shoe, but luckily we are at a mall, but I still have to get into the mall and find a new pair of shoes. So I walk up 2 flights of stairs(because apparently there is no such thing here as Americans with Disabilities Act and they don't have elevators everywhere) Where we walk into the mall is through the grocery store. So here I am sliding my foot along so that my shoe doesn't come off. One of the store's staff looks at me like I'm a major freak, so I pull up my pant leg to show her that my shoe is broken. She says that she can fix it with some string. So I tied my shoe to my foot with yellow plastic string. Quite humorous. Luckily my pants were long enough to hide the string. I ended up finding a pair of shoes to buy, but by the time I got home I had some of the worst blisters I have had in a long time. Needless to say, I won't wear them again. Luckily they were only $150 ($20 US) Still more than I would have liked to pay, but cheap considering most shoes here start at about $400 ($50US)
The second pair that bit the dust: This pair actually started down the bad road early in my time in Hong Kong. I don't know how, but somehow the sole of the right shoe just split in two crosswise. I could still use the shoe, but I had to make sure that I didn't do too much walking in it. Well two weekends ago, I played Tour guide here and my shoe didn't like that. Before the day was over, I was saying small prayers with every step I took that my shoe wouldn't go. Thank God, I was able to make it home in one piece. When I got home and took off my shoe, I realized that it was gone, there was really nothing holding it together anymore.
Third pair: This just happened yesterday. I was with two friends and we were walking down the street to run an errand. All of a sudden, I got that funny feeling in my foot again. I knew what was happening...I was having a shoe attack. Again my shoe's strap started to come out from where it was attached. I told my friends I had to go back. I couldn't continue on my errand. So we turned around and one of them said she knew where there was a shoe repair. So we went and he said that he could fix it for $20 ($3US) So I sat in at his booth for 5 minutes barefoot while he "fixed" my shoe. I put it back on and it seemed to be fixed. I decided not to try to do my errand again, so I just headed home. Good thing because about halfway to the train. It broke again. The glue didn't hold. I made it home ok, but had to throw out another pair of shoes. UGH!!!
Hopefully I can make the rest of my shoes last until I'm ready to part with them. Actually I have another pair that is starting to show a bit of stress. I hope that I don't have another "shoe attack"
Friday, November 09, 2007
Free Christian Music on Fridays
- "Time has Come" by Mercy Me
- "Everything Glorious" by David Crowder Band
- "Live for you" by Connersvine
So check out the free music friday and the new band Connersvine.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
USS Essex

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Interesting Train ride part 2
But there's more...this morning (Wednesday, Nov 7th) I got on the train in about car #8 and started walking back to car #11. (I like to sit there because: 1. I can get a seat and 2. it's right next to the exit closest to my school.) So as I enter car #11 whom do I see? Yes, none other than "talk to imaginary friends" boy. I almost lost it.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Interesting Train Ride
But really folks, you know sometimes invisible friends make mistakes, but do they deserve to be elbowed in the stomach and given the finger? I think not! Treat all of your friends with respect, invisible or not.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
That's great. Over.
Margie: How was your day? over.
Katie: not too bad, I taught a few classes today. over.
Margie: how were the students? over.
Katie: overall, not to bad. over. oh, I want to say something else. over. I mean not over yet. the students don't want to talk when I ask them a question but do when I don't want them to talk. over.
Margie: wait you can't say over and then start talking again. over.
Katie: ok. over.
And of course through this entire conversation we were laughing so hard. Needless to say the conversation didn't last too long.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Listen to my stories
The Sound of Music Sing along
Mother Sit Down
Changing Noses
Just Leave
Religion during the week
I hope you enjoy them.
Monday, October 08, 2007
This is her first year at this school and she teaches English.
There are more, but those are the ones that I have attacked with my camera. They are a great bunch of people and have been so helpful in getting me settled in my life in HK.
Monday, October 01, 2007
This is the Big one to end them all.
Name: Katie Moore
Date of Birth: April 8
Birthplace: Pittsburgh
Current Location: Hong Kong
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Blonde (but going to change soon)
Height: around 5 8
Heritage: Irish, German, English
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: none
Band/Singer: Melinda Doolittle (this changes frequently)
Song: Adonai by Avalon
Movie: Hairspray (this also changes frequently)
Disney Movie: I really like most of them
TV show: Frasier
Color: Pink
Food: Mexican
Pizza topping: Pepperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor: Phish Food by Ben and Jerry's
Drink (alcoholic): Cosmo
Soda: dont drink pop
Store: Super Sample (in HK) Chico's and JJill (in USA)
Shoe Brand: cheap--I really don't have a favorite brand just like lots of shoes
Season: Fall
Month: April-- my birthday month
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: gerber daisy
Make-Up Item: Mascara
Board game: Trivial Pursuit
This or That
Sunny or rainy: I like both, but rain is the best for lazy days in bed
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla (w/ chocolate syrup)
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: cold
Best physical feature: eyes
First thought waking up: UGH!!
Sesame street alter ego: big bird
Fairytale alter ego: Little Mermaid
Worst crime: speeding
Strangest received gift: the gift wasn't strange it was the fact that I knew what it was because she gave the same thing to every friend, so the end of the school year birthday people knew what they were getting because the people in September received the same item for their birthday.
Worst habit: picking at my nails
Do You:
Smoke: nope
Drink: occasionally
Curse: no
Shower daily: yes
Like thunderstorms: yes love them--when we were growing up we would sit in the garage and watch the storms with our mom. It was the best.
Dance in the rain: love doin it
Sing: yes all the time --Just not in public
Play an instrument: nope
Get along with your parents: yes
Wish on stars: sometimes
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: no
Can You:
Sew: no
Cook: yes my specialty is a Fratatta
Speak another language: some German
Dance: I love to dance, but don't get to very much
Sing: yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: yes i can
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yes
Been Stoned/High: nope
Eaten Sushi: yes
Been in Love: nope
Skipped school: yes, but mommy said I could stay home.
Made prank calls: of course
Sent someone a love letter: a long time ago
Stolen something: no
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? How they eat their food.
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? I prefer to stay up late, but since I have to get up so freakin early, I'm trying to be in bed by 10.
Name three things you can't live without: God, family & friends
What is the color of your room? white walls and blue/brown comforter
Do you have any siblings? yes 2
Do you have any pets? no
What is your middle name? Kress
What are you nicknames? Kate, I guess I don't really have any. boohoo
Do you have a crush on anyone? no
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes, it depends on where I am.
How do you want to die? without pain
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? I have no idea
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yea
What is the last law you've broken? speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: dark
Eye color: blue or brown
Height: TALL over 6ft.
Weight: more than me.
Most important physical feature: eyes or smile
Biggest turn-off: being a wimpy man
Hopefully when I did the cut and paste, I got all the answers changed to my answers. Hope you enjoyed all that useless infomation.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Company Name?
some info on my business:
*Mostly glass beading
*I also knit scarves
So think, think, think!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Spell with Flickr

Spell with Flickr a fun little program that lets you spell words with photos of letters from Flickr. If you don't like the photos that are first given then click the letter and it will change them for you.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Crude Advertising/not for innocent eyes
If you aren't able to make it out very well it's for V*i&agra. Enough said. (the * and & are because I don't want my blog to show up on a google search for that word
Saturday, September 01, 2007
List of questions.
1.How many suits do you own? I own about 4, but only 2 fit me.but I'm getting closer to fitting in to them again. :)
2.What word do you routinely misspell? Definately, oops I mean definitely. thank God for Spellcheck.
3.Did you see Brokeback Mountain? No
4.Did you see The Da Vinci Code? No
5.What's the name of your cell phone ring? I don't know the name, it's a preprogramed ring
6.What time did you get up this morning? I first woke up at 6am and then fell back to sleep about an hour later and slept until 9am
7.When did you last cry and why? Today, I'm homesick and frustrated. (if you are reading this then please pray for me.)
8.Which of the seven deadly sins are you? Gluttony (although I have been working on it)
9.Beach, city or country? 70% of the time--city, 20%--Beach and 10%--Country
10.Would you say you're cute? Pretty? Hot? Beautiful? I hope that I'm pretty on the outside and Beautiful on the inside.
11.What color is your bathroom? Right now I don't have my own bathroom. But at my parents place it was cream walls with green curtain and towels.
12.How many emails do you receive a day, roughly? including spams--40, no spams-3
13.What's your opinion of New York City? I love it -- the energy, the restaurants, the shopping.
14.What's your favorite letter? "K" of course.
15.Have you ever downloaded a podcast? If so, which one? Yes, CFC messages, Grammar Girl, Frommer's travel
16.Who's your all-time favorite American Idol candidate? Melinda Doolittle
17.When's the last time you volunteered? Where? In July, Mission trip to Hong Kong
18.What did you have for breakfast? A 100%Whey Protein Shake
19.What's your favorite item of clothing? Gaucho pants from J.Jill
20.What one toiletry item could you not live without? Toothbrush
I hope that you enjoyed this new list of questions.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sound of Music Sing-A-Long

We arrive at the Theatre and are given our little goodie bag. This bag contains a variety of "helps" for the Sing-A-Long. The following things are in the bag:
- flibbertigibbet card
- maria card
- question mark card
- a ghost (?) card
- an invitation to "The Captain's Ball"
- A piece of floral cloth
- A popper
- and a sprig of silk flowers
Although the entire concept was CHEESY, I always enjoy getting to watch the sound of music and now I have a fun story to go along with it.
My Car
Well I sold my car, but I can't say that I am sad to part with it. It wasn't that great of a friend. Yes, it got me to the places I wanted to go and it never left me stranded (well one time I got a flat tire on my way home from Indy, but technically that was the tire not the car and I wasn't stranded for long. and the spare was actually a full tire not just one of those sissy spares.) But I digress...My real sadness is that my car didn't get to wear the "In God We Trust" license plate but for a few days.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I went to the Derby

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mr. Picassohead

Ok, so I have always wanted to be really artistic, but I'm just not. Well today I was told about a website that turns you into a Picasso. You get to create your own Picassohead. It was fun and makes me look like I have some artistic ability. Check out my artwork. Then try your hand at it. When you save the picture make sure you send me the link.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Personal DNA

Sunday, June 10, 2007
It's official

Also, I would love to have you come and visit me. Please leave me a comment to let me know if you will be able to come to Hong Kong and stay with me. There is so much to see and do there, I think you will all just love it.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Indy 500
My dad's company gives away tickets to different events all the time. Last year my dad won tickets to the Brickyard and the Formula One races. This year, the guy he carpools with won the tickets to the Indy 500. He didn't want them, so he gave them to my dad.
We got up way to early on a Sunday (6:30) to drive up to Indy. We parked at the airport, caught the shuttle to Speedway and then walked the 4 blocks to the stadium. Our seats were in the Paddock: facing east, under cover, across from Pit Row and right at the starting line. They were awesome seats.
Before the race started, Florence Henderson and the Purdue Marching Band performed "God Bless America" In the picture, Florence is on the checkered stage on the left, the Purdue Marching Band is next to the stage on the right and Soldiers are across the Middle.
The race started at 1:00. I tried to get a picture of the cars going by, but they were so fast that all I got was a picture of the track.
Actually I did get some pictures, Here they are:
After 110+ laps the rain came down. (I'm thinking it was about 113 laps) Look at the difference between these two pictures. One was during the race before the rain and the other was taken during the rain.
After raining for about 30 minutes, we decided to head home. We knew that the race might be called, or it could be hours before they start it back up again. We enjoyed what we saw and were ready to make it a day.
We walked the 4 blocks back to the shuttle stop (it seemed like it was more than 4 blocks on the way back...i'm thinking because we were walking in the rain.) Caught the shuttle back to the airport and then drove home.
Check out my video of the race.